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PEI's utility engineering and land surveying staff make utility design seemless.  Below are a few of the types of utility engineering and surveying projects we have completed.



Water & Sewer Projects


PEI has completed miles of new water main and sanitary sewer main (gravity and force main) projects for our municipal clients.  Our in house surveying and engineering staff will can provide, route planning, capacity analysis, public involvement, utility avoidance, permitting, bidding, staking and construction administration.

Telecommunications Facilities


Phelps Engineering provides telecommunications design of copper and fiber optic cable facilities for our utility communications clients.  Projects range from the designing the relocation of facilities for road improvement projects to designing new fiber optics or copper cables to serve new business or residential projects.



Cell Tower Surveying & Design


PEI has served as the local engineer and land surveyor for hundreds of cellular tower sites.  Our involvement begins with a boundary and topographic survey of the site.  Working with the lead consultant, PEI staff assist with the site engineering and permitting.  Construction services such as staking and as-builts have also been provided as needed.

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